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Radi Love

  /  Beauty   /  Short, Medium, or Long hair?
- Radi Love - Топ фризьорски салон Лозенец

Short, Medium, or Long hair?


In the boutique hair salon “Radi Love” we offer you wonderful visions that we can realize in your reality. Radi Love presents diverse looks in the collections he brings out, these looks include not only colors and formal hairstyles but also different types of haircuts.

Hairdressing for most people is a bizarre world. Apart from being a world of beauty, luxury, sophistication and fashion, Radi Love brings us the need to familiarize ourselves with the key influences of nature on our hair and its interrelationship with fashion and the beauty of hairdressing.



According to the leading collections of Radi Love, as well as the abundance of photo material that we upload, you can choose for yourself different types of haircuts. These haircuts, as always, can be selected from various magazines that you read, can be the photo of your grandmother as a young noble lady, a photo taken while you are preparing for a corporate “Retro-Party”, or could be your favorite presenter or football player. The important thing is that you choose. But it is an indisputable fact that your choice is not always correct.

Maybe your desire is so strong and you want it so much, but sometimes We together can do the best. In many cases you are right, and Radi Love can very easily create the look you want, but sometimes it is very difficult because your desire is not in harmony with your appearance, physique, it is too old- fashioned or we can we offer you something better, like master hairdressers.

 In addition to the fact that the hairdressing salon works with the highest class materials for hairdressing from Japan, the abundance of awards in hairdressing distinguish Radi Love as an excellent master hairdresser in Bulgaria.

- Radi Love - Топ фризьорски салон Лозенец

How do you achieve the perfect haircut look? How can we help you? What sets us apart from others?

The perfect look for a haircut, the perfect hairstyle is the hairstyle that is in harmony with yourself in the first place. You wear this hairstyle and you are the ones who should like yourself first, in order to be accepted by others.

A men’s haircut with us takes 1:30 hours, a women’s haircut takes about 2 hours, with diagnostics included, especially if you are coming to the “Radi Love” hair salon for the first time with the best hairdresser in Bulgaria.


The reason for this is the work with the details at a high level and the time allocated for personal diagnostics. We are deeply interested in you and your ideal for your hair.


Your style is very valuable, but with us you get the vision of master hairdresser Radi Love, which is a rarity in itself.

Grooming in itself defines your class, but here we want to intervene by presenting you in high society in the best possible way. Haircuts are up-to-date, appropriate and associated with prestige, abundance and fashion. Your haircut opens new doors for you, it presents you to the world in shades in which you should be fresh, successful and productive. 


We stand out from others precisely because Radi Love is a unique hairdresser and his looks are deeply classy, ​​classic and creative, ones that cannot be fulfilled by any other hairdresser on the Planet.

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