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Radi Love

  /  Creativity   /  Profession – HAIRDRESSER in Sofia city
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Profession – HAIRDRESSER in Sofia city

 “For me, the important thing is that the client sitting on the chair is satisfied, that I have created balance and harmony in his vision and mine!” I don’t care what other people think! It’s that  relationship that’s everything’Radi Love



In the dynamics of the day and our hectic everyday life, it is very difficult to find a hairdresser in Sofia or a stylist in Sofia who can offer you a variety of styling, different types of haircuts, amazing colors, good attitude, formal hairstyles and courtesy. This can definitely happen only with our stylist in Sofia, Radi Love.

As a hairdresser in Sofia for more than ten years, Radi Love is a proven stylist in Sofia with plenty of awards and master’s awards. You can find out about them in the “Awards” section of our website.

- Radi Love - Топ фризьорски салон Лозенец

Being a stylist in Sofia is not an easy task, and many people try to achieve it in a very short time. Being a hairdresser in Sofia requires a lot of work, a lot of competitions that every stylist in Sofia must have gone through and of course be rewarded.


As a hairdresser in Sofia, Radi Love was trained and worked for some of the best hairdressers in Sofia before he became one. He is extremely grateful, first of all, to his parents, who have supported him in his mission as a hairdresser for over a decade, as well as to all the mentors who trained him, such as Vasil Mihailov, Irena Alexova, Irena Racheva, Sajjad Hussein, Svetlana Metodieva, Maria Dimitrova, Dimitri Vinokurov, Patrick Cameron, team from Alexandre de Paris Academy and many others.

He is also extremely grateful to stylist Kapanov, albeit for their short communication and for the guidance he gave him at a fateful moment in his life.

Being a hairdresser in Sofia, among the best stylists, Radi Love has to get up every morning at 5 o’clock in order to work quite often at 12 hours working day and thus improve himself.

This task was by no means easy, but according to him, being from “Club 5″ is sometimes fun, because that’s what the most successful people do, and as a hairdresser in Sofia, getting up at 5 in the morning is extremely beneficial for a good development of the day.

Also, being grateful for the calluses on your feet and appreciating them as a pain reflecting the effectiveness of your work has also been one of his joys during his development, as well as enduring a lot of criticism but moving forward in the name of the profession.

In order to develop effectively, Radi Love continues to work absolutely independently in her Radi Love…Boutique hairdressing salon, staying true to her style throughout his life. This naturally cost him a number of criticisms, disapproval from his critics, but in the end success to continue creating as a stylist in Sofia and enjoying his abundance of wonderful clients appreciating his style. Of course, the path of the hairdresser is eternal and Radi Love continues his development by continuing to train as a modest stylist in Sofia at World Seminars, as one of the upcoming events in his training calendar.

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