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Radi Love

  /  Advices   /  Hair color and Nature

Hair color and Nature

Nature, the world in its bizarre forms are something very beautiful, different and diverse. Nature itself brings harmony, contributes to human balance and health, fills the senses with beauty. This beauty is majestic. The majesty of beauty in nature has a direct correlation with the colors in our hair. We are born with different colors in our hair and this difference unfolds as we grow, mature and shape our preferences.

We realize that in life we are free and can be whatever we want because we have the freedom of action. Thus created different and unique in ourselves, we can trust the desire within us- or our own nature and be who we are according to it. This is our sacred path and ideal.

In this sense, in order to be closer to who we are, to what we want to be, hairdressing comes to our aid, coloring and working with colors come to our aid.


How do I get my dream color?
How to achieve it?


In a boutique hairdressing salon “Radi Love”…Boutique hairdressing, you have the opportunity to trust an expert color assessment and of course the master hairdresser Radi Love, who will help you get the best color, the best look.


Without a doubt, you will get the right attitude, expert diagnosis and color based on your style, your hobby, the music you listen to, the fashion you like, the trend you are in, the desire you have.


The important thing to know about “Radi Love” hair salon and about itself is that we listen to you carefully and understand you. We are interested in everything related to you, your lifestyle, your attitude towards it, the places you visit, even your personal philosophy. We are interested in everything about you that you would like to share with us.


We See you differently and Understand you

The long-term experience of master hairdresser Radi Love and his expert judgment create a wonderful picture at him based on “Your personal data” – which are: your facial expressions, facial contour, expression, style, perception of the emotional world and specific desire.